Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Six ways to weakup looking beautiful 1. Sleep on Silk Pillowcases: Silk pillows help fight the frizz and keep your skin looking smooth soft. The silky fabric also prevents those pesky sleep lines you get on your face from cotton pillows. 2. Wash Your Face: The best of beauty products won’t make a difference if you don’t start with a clean slate, so always wash your face before going to bed. 3. Night Cream: Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! After washing your face clean of all impurities, the next best thing you can do for your skin is apply a hydrating night cream. 4. Aloe Vera: In addition to soothing a nasty sunburn, aloe vera is also another great natural remedy for curing acne. Use aloe vera gel as a spot treatment or as an overnight moisturizer that keeps skin soft but not greasy. 5. Cold Eye Cream: You may already be applying your eye cream religiously, but did you know it works better when it’s cold? Keep your eye cream in the refrigerator and apply before going to bed to decrease morning puffiness. (viaCosmopolitan) 6. Brighten Stained Teeth: Here’s a super easy DIY for the perfect set of pearly whites: After brushing your teeth at night, dip your toothbrush in baking soda and brush again. You normally need to wait an hour after doing this to eat or drink anything, making it perfect for a nighttime treatment. Make sure to do this only once a week to prevent damaging your teeth.

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