Sunday, 6 November 2016

Qualities that makes man 'Mr Right' 1.Be sure he has a detailed plan for his life, knows where he
wants to be in five years. From his career to his finances, he
needs to have figured out his path.
Does plan on starting his own franchise or plans to work for
people forever? Do his plans align with yours? These are
questions you need to ask yourself.
2. Honesty
His ‘Yes’ means ‘Yes’ and his ‘No’ means ‘No’.
People sometimes believe honesty is hard to come by in
relationships, because of the absurd word, ‘white lie’.
A white lie is the kind of lie said to spare their partner grief. In
my opinion, there is nothing like a white lie, it is either you say
the truth or you don’t.
Is he committed to the relationship?
There are no keeping secrets, thoughts or behaviours in
committed relationships. All committed relationships are on
the basis of trust, love, honesty, clarity and discipline.
You have to consider at all times that it is not only about what
you want but about what is best for the relationship.
4. Integrity
Integrity is a strong quality in every relationship. Does he make
promises and honour them? Integrity is not something one
compromise about, it is a way of life.
Discipline, compassion, reliability and honesty works hand in
hand with integrity. Ensure he walks, breath, sleep, and eats
with integrity. Know what he stands for.
5. Empathy
Does he abide by the golden rule? “ Do unto others what you
want to be done to you .”
Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes
and being able to connect with their emotions. Does he listen
Every Mr Right should have these qualities, it is all or nothing!

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