Sunday, 6 November 2016

Things you ought to be doing with your spouse that you  prabably aren't  1. You should tell each other when you don’t like something
the other is doing. It may start an argument, but it will allow
for more honesty.
2. You should admit when you’re in a bad mood.
3. You should accept that they might not like your cooking.
Everyone’s taste buds are different.
4. Don’t bring up the past. Accepting someone for who they
are, and who they were, can only help push the marriage
5. You should admit when you’re jealous. It may help clear up
some issues.
6. You should be telling them every day that you love them.
7. You should talk through . relationships and make sure
you’re on the same page.
8. You should follow their helpful hints and tips to take care of
simple things around the house, like putting down the toilet
seat or cleaning the hair out of the drain.
9. You should always remember every anniversary and every
birthday, even for their distant family members.
10. You should surprise them with something – whether it’s a
picnic, or even a nice outing to the city.
11. You should be admiring them every day for who and what
they are. You never know when life could end.
12. You should let them fight the battles they want to fight.
13. You should try to avoid getting them angry on purpose.
14. You should always appreciate having kids.
15. You should text or call them when you’re out of town, just
so they know you’re thinking about them.
16. You should avoid correcting their grammar at all costs.
Because who wants that?
17. You should try new things together every week, like going
to a poetry slam or taking a ride to parts unknown.
18. You should communicate openly about each other’s
parents, just so you’re on the same page.
19. You should always be talking about your favorite foods,
colors and hobbies, since that’s one of the most common
questions people get about their loved ones.
20. You should talk through an argument rather than act
passive aggressive and let the negativity of an argument stew
between you.
21. You should visit your spouse at work at least once a week,
just to show them you’re thinking about them during the day.
22. You should admit when you want to change something
about your life.
23. You should pick a new activity or sport to do together to
try something new.
24. You should avoid playing mind-games. It’s only going to
cause confusion.
25. You should admit that maybe they heard something wrong
rather than battle over what was actually said.
26. You should respect your spouse’s decisions, even if you’re
not happy with them.
27. You should let your spouse have some alone time, since
we’re all in need of a little alone time.
28. You should find out how your spouse’s day really went.
29. You should always feel free to tell your spouse the show
you’re watching isn’t really something you’re into.
30. You should share this story with your spouse!

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