Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Six ways to avoid divorce in your marriage
To preserve a marriage requires the effort of two people who are determined to live happily together. It’s hard, but it’s not impossible. Here are ways to avoid divorce in your marriage. Don’t threaten divorce That is like pouring fuel on a fire. When you get in a fight with your partner, sometimes you get boiled up and say things you don’t mean. Saying things like, “Why did we ever marry?” “Should we just split up?” “Why don’t you just move out if you feel that way?” is you putting a knife to the throat of your marriage, even if you don’t mean it. Do your part Just like any group assignment will only be a success if everyone plays their role, same applies to your marriage.Marriage requires work so you can’t be lax about your marriage and expect your partner to do all the work, it will surely fail. Marriage requires a lot of work so you can’t be lax about your marriage and expect your partner to do all the work, it will surely fail. Talk This is the most basic and fundamental principle of any relationship. Sit and talk about possible ways to strengthen and grow your relationship. Love is not magic and everything will not just miraculously fall into place over the course of a lifetime. Have constructive conversations with your partner regularly. AD ==> How a 28yrs Nigerian Makes Over N1Milionaire Per Month From Import Business. Click Here For Details Read a great book on marriage Other people are more knowledgeable than you in various fields of life, and some of these people have written books. You don’t have to try everything in a book. Just get a few ideas both of you can agree upon and build on it. Boost fun and friendship Sometimes life gets stressful and annoying and you just want to come home to a great friend at the end of the day. If you don’t have a friend in your spouse, you will start to despise them after a few years. Always find time to . together and engage in fun activities. Get professional help When things are spiraling out of control and you just can’t get a grip on it, try marriage counseling. Nothing will help you more than a neutral third party that has studies marital patterns.

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