Tuesday, 1 November 2016

8 signs to tell you your kidney is in danger One of the most important organs in the human are kidneys, located just below your ribs. They are filtering 120-150 quarts of blood each day, allow the body to function properly. They are imperative for keeping blood stable, prevent buildup of extra fluids and waste in body. Keeping the electrolyte levels stable, they help bones stay strong, produce red blood cells as well as regulate blood pressure. One of the most important organs in the human are kidneys, located just below your ribs. They are filtering 120-150 quarts of blood each day, allow the body to function properly. They are imperative for keeping blood stable, prevent buildup of extra fluids and waste in body. Keeping the electrolyte levels stable, they help bones stay strong, produce red blood cells as well as regulate blood pressure. If kidneys are damaged then your health is threatened. In order to keep your body strong, healthy, highly important is to recognize signs of kidneys damage. The most common symptoms they are being damaged: 1.Swelling Kidneys are not able to remove the excess fluid in body if they not work properly. That can lead to swelling in hands, face, feet, ankles, legs. An unexpected swelling may possibly be reason of kidneys failure. 2.Changes in Urination Changes in urination may be an early warning signal of kidney failure: difficulty urinating and feel pressure urinate with dark colored urine, small amounts or less often urinate with pale urine in larger amounts or more often if urine may be bubby or foamy urinate in middle of the night 3.Skin Rash Kidneys failure can cause skin rash or severe itching, due to not being able to remove the waste from blood. Skin is irritated and dry due to waste accumulation in the blood. Ointments and creams may help on the surface, but putting on the rash isn’t solving problem if it is . to kidney damage. 4.Fatigue Hormone called EPO or erythropoietin is produced when kidneys are healthy. This hormone is responsible for making red blood cells and they carry oxygen. There are only fewer red blood cells that carry oxygen if kidneys are damaged. Then the brain and muscles are becoming fatigued easily and quickly, and it leads to anemia. AD ==> How a 28yrs Nigerian Makes Over N1Milionaire Per Month From Import Business. Click Here For Details 5.Shortness of Breath Shortness of breath could be also caused by kidney damage. The body can be left starved of oxygen. All this comes due to the shortage of oxygen that blood cells carry, and is caused by extra fluid which build-up in the lungs. 6.Metalic Taste in the Mouth This is when waste accumulates in the blood and could be symptom of kidney damage if there is a change in your food preferences or loss of appetite. 7.Pain Pain in upper back or on side of damaged kidney can be experienced .Kidney stones as well as kidney infections usually are causing spasms and severe pain. 8.Trouble Concentrating and Dizziness When brain is not getting enough oxygen as it needs, comes to condition known as anemia and it is . to kidney damage. Therefore comes to trouble with concentration, dizziness and memory loss.

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