Sunday 19 February 2017

The awkward moment Mr. Lukman met his old friend Mr. Francis, They introduced their Wifes to each other and Mr. Lukman realized that his friend's Wife was his Ex.
He called his friend to a Corner and said: Guy, Your Wife is my Ex. o
Mr. Francis smiled and replied: Perhaps you don't know your Wife is our Ex.
Mr. Lukman: What do you mean by "Our Ex?
Mr. Francis replied: I meant she's My Ex, My Boss Ex and my 2 brothers Ex.
Mr. Lukman FAINTED! 😂😂😂😂
*_A girl missed her period 2 months ago,her mom took her to the clinic for pregnancy test of which it was positive.Embarrased, her mom said; who is the pig that got you pregnant? The girl picked up her phone and made a call, an hour later,a young handsome man drove in Ferrari to the girl's house. Good evening, the man greeted. Your daughter told me the problem in the house. I can't marry for now because of my family issue, but I promise I will take care of her for the rest of her life, and if she gives birth to a girl,I promised to buy her a mansion, 2 jeeps and 1 million dollars. If it's a boy, I'll buy her houses in a country side, 5 jeeps, 2 big factories and 5million dollars in her account. If it's twins, I'll do anything she asked. But if there's miscarriage, what do you suggest i do? The girls father silently pat the young man on his shoulder and said; my son, if there is miscarriage, you'll sleep with her again. ??????
pls don't laugh alone share it

So interesting...A must read
Boy : babe, do you love me?
Girl : yeah i do, a lot..
Boy : how about going for a lunch ko KFC?
Girl : a big Nooooo!
Boy : ah my love, why?
Girl : why do we have to go to KFC?
Boy : to show you that i love you.
Girl : ae never, loving me does not mean
taking me to such places
Boy : bbe please
Girl : i said no, right? We don't go for non at
your place you should cook for me instead
taking me to KFC babe..
Boy : ok fine babe..
Girl : love is not about spending on
someone neh...
All i need is your love
Not your money.
Boy : Woow am blessed to have you..
(They hugged and kissed)
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. Never .

A wife can help create and cultivate happiness for her husband when…
1.She is happy herself.
This one might seem unexpected, but it’s really important. A husband will usually not be happier than he perceives his wife to be. To put it another way, your husband will be happiest when he believes you’re happy. The sound of your laughter is one of the sweetest sounds in the world to his ears. Your smile makes him smile. As a wife, you should never “fake” happiness just to put your husband in a good mood, but when you take care of your of yourself (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually) to bring happiness to yourself, it will usually do wonders in bringing happiness to your husband.
2. She shows him respect* (even when he blows it).
A man has a desperate need to feel respected (especially by his wife). When a man believes his wife truly respects him and sees the best in him, he feels like he can take on the world! When he feels like his wife is his biggest critic instead of his biggest encourager, it takes the wind out of his sails. There will definitely be times when a wife has to correct or “call out” her husband, but her tone should be consistently uplifting. Your words can shape his world. Some phrases that will make his day include, “I believe in you. I appreciate all you do. I’m so proud of you. You can do anything you put your mind to. I’m with you no matter what.”
3. She initiates s*x.
The happiest husbands feel great about the frequency of their s*x life. The most frustrated husbands feel like they have to beg for s*x. When a wife never initiates s*x (and especially when she consistently rejects his s*xual advances) it will crush a man.
Sometimes, you’ll be doing all of these things and your husband will still be in a grumpy mood. This obviously isn’t your fault. Men can just be weird and moody sometimes! Thanks for putting up with us.
Things you should remember to do once you end your unhealthy friendship
1.  Don’t discuss about it with your common friends. Everyone will have their opinion on this and it might lead to a very judgmental conversation. We are sure you don’t want somebody to feed on this gossip, right?
2. If you have decided to take a break, take a considerable amount of time to reconsider your relationship. And once you guys are back, don’t discuss the past.
3.  Don’t give up on good friendship. Just because you ended a bad friendship, it doesn’t mean that there is no hope. Maintain healthy friendships with existing friends, but don’t keep discussing it with them.
4.  Avoid calls and messages from your friend. If you have ended the friendship, don’t encourage any more conversations. Forget dealing with what to say and how to say it, it will simply be very embarrassing and awkward.