Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Ways you  can reduce 
cancer hile genetic factors may be involved in your risk of getting cancer, doctors believe most cases are down 
to unhealthy lifestyles.
From the food we eat to how much sunlight we get, the way we live our lives plays a far bigger role in fuelling cancer than bad Deoxy ribonucleic Acid (DNA)/ genetic material.
So much so, that half of all cancer could be avoided if we prevented these triggers from playing a role in our lives, scientists claim. Now, the Irish Cancer Society has provided a list of 12 ways you can reduce your risk of cancer based on the European Code Against Cancer, developed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Smoking is an established cause of one in three cancers, and the single largest preventable cause of the disease.
A study in June found that smokers experience one mutation to their DNA for every 15 cigarettes they smoke. Quitting smoking is difficult, but there is a lot of help around. Try to make a date to stop smoking and stick to it. Draw up a plan of action, including what methods are available to you. Another good tip is to drink plenty of fluids – keep a glass of water by you and sip it steadily. And get more active. For instance, you could walk instead of using the bus or car. Try the stairs instead of the lift. Exercise helps you relax and can boost your morale.
Scientists believe children who are exposed to second-hand smoke may experience the damaging effects well into adulthood.

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